2024 Discover Ipswich Visitor Guide


Visit the Queens Park Environmental Education Centre Designed to be enjoyed by all ages, the Queens Park Environmental Education Centre has a focus on showcasing how important the environment is. With interactive displays, an in-house cinema space and an active events hub, this venue is a must visit whilst in town.

Nature’s calling, in a good way…

By Erin Nightingale, Discover Ipswich ambassador Ipswich has a strong focus on conservation and sustainability, and with a range of nature-based tourism options available, there’s no excuse not to experience the natural world.

Book in for environment events From tree planting, to paddling a canoe down the river and guided walking tours, the Ipswich City Council Environment Team always have amazing events in the works. Most of these events are free or low cost and you can keep up to date by following their Eventbrite page. This is the best way to see our region from a natural perspective with passionate and knowledgeable guides leading you.

For more ways to experience nature scan the QR code

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