Active Kids Bushwalking - Social Story
Animated publication
In the school holidays I will go to the Bushwalking activity.
This will be outdoors and just a short drive from my house. I will go with my family, friends or carer.
This is a fun, short walk where I will learn about nature. I will see plants, trees, insects and maybe animals.
I will remember to bring my: water bottle hat sunscreen.
I can bring other items that help me feel safe.
I will meet Ranger Jody. Together, we will do the Acknowledgement of Country and say thank you to the owners of the bush where we will walk.
Ranger Jody
Ranger Jody will tell me what we are going to do and things we might see on our walk. I can ask more questions if I need to understand better.
I can choose to walk with other children. I can choose to walk with other adults. I can choose to walk by myself.
The bushwalk will go for about 60 minutes. I don’t have to stay long. I can leave when I have had enough.
I will then get in the car and head back home. I will have a great time being out in nature. I am excited!
The end.
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