Celebrate Christmas in Ipswich 2022
CRUISE THE NIGHT CHRISTMAS Calendar-day DATE 4.00 pm – 10.00 pm map-marker-alt LOCATION Queensland Raceway 133 Champions Way, Willowbank Experience a fantastic night out with friends and family, cruising the Queensland Raceway under lights. This popular event offers on-track cruising, off track activities, show’n shine, trade stalls and more. RACEVIEW COMMUNITY CAROLS UNDER THE BIG TREE Calendar-day DATE Sunday 4 December clock TIME 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm map-marker-alt LOCATION Under the Big Fig Tree 141 Wildey Street, Raceview Raceview Congregational Church has been hosting carols under the ‘Big tree’ since 1970. Gather for a night of tradition, family and community. BYO chair or blanket. WALLOON CHRISTMAS MARKETS Calendar-day DATE Sunday 4 December clock TIME 7.00 am - 12.00 pm map-marker-alt LOCATION 336 Haigslea Amberley Road, Walloon Experience a country market that is all about local. Located in the block behind the Walloon Hotel, we offer a range of jams, pickles and preserves, orchids, fresh cut flowers, succulents, seedlings and so much more. Saturday 3 December clock TIME
ULYSSES CLUB ANNUAL IPSWICH TOY RUN Calendar-day DATE Sunday 11 December clock TIME 10.00 am map-marker-alt LOCATION Brassall Shopping Centre to Ipswich Show Grounds Join or support the 26th Ipswich Toy Run to raise much needed funds for the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal and the Ulysses Club Arthritis Fund. ROSEWOOD CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL AND CAROLS Calendar-day DATE Friday 16 December clock TIME 5.00 pm – 8.30 pm map-marker-alt LOCATION Rosewood Showgrounds 1 Railway Street, Rosewood The much loved Christmas Carnival is back in a new location this year, with market stalls and carol performances.
Thursday 22 December
clock TIME 9.00 am - 10.00 pm map-marker-alt LOCATION Riverlink Shopping Centre Shop, explore and make a day of it at the Riverlink Market Zone - Christmas edition! Enjoy a selection of unique crafts, market stalls and live music - it's the perfect chance to finish off your Christmas shopping.
To see the full program of Community Christmas events happening around the city, including ticketing and more information visit Christmasinipswich.com.au .
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