Community Matters - January 2024
Division 1 stretches from Mt Mort in the west to White Rock in the east and includes Blackstone, Calvert, Deebing Heights, Ebenezer, Flinders View, Goolman, Grandchester, Jeebropilly, Lower Mount Walker, Mount Forbes, Mount Walker West, Mutdapilly, Peak Crossing, Purga, Raceview, Redbank Plains, Ripley, South Ripley, Swanbank and Willowbank.
January 2024
Free immunisations available Ipswich City Council runs free Community Immunisation Clinics. Clinics start back up from 9 January 2024. They are held at key locations around Ipswich on a regular, scheduled basis. No appointment is needed. Vaccinations given are per the National Immunisation Program Queensland. For more information, including locations, times and dates, visit and search ‘immunisation’. New Active and Healthy app It’s now even easier to get active and healthy with the launch of a new Active and Healthy app. The app is your one-stop-shop to view the current timetable, book and cancel from any of council’s free Active and Healthy activities. The first step is to simply sign up to become a member of the program. It’s free. Start your year off right and sign up at Mowing schedule online Did you know Ipswich City Council publishes a mowing schedule online? The online map is easy to use and shows when local grassed areas and parklands across the city are next scheduled for mowing. Rain and storm events, as well as machinery breakdowns sometimes impact the scheduling. To keep up to date, visit
A $2.18 million modern clubhouse, changerooms and supporting infrastructure for Ironbark Park has boosted the popularity and capability of the South Ripley playing fields. Division 1 Councillor Sheila Ireland said the new facilities featured toilets and showers, amenities, facilities for people with disabilities and an office. “There’s also a meeting room, storage area, amenities for referees, new footpaths and a commercial quality canteen – everything for local clubs and families to enjoy a friendly match or a serious tournament,” Cr Ireland said. “Ironbark Park was South Ripley’s first major sports ground, home to the Ripley Valley Football Club seniors, women’s and junior teams, so this will boost sports in the local area and the wider Ipswich sporting community.” Division 1 Councillor Jacob Madsen said council was committed to
supporting the needs of local athletes and the broader community. “RVFC has grown from 80 members in its first year to over 400 now and they turn away dozens more every year,” Cr Madsen said. “The club has over 30 junior teams and eight senior teams: There is a huge demand for better sporting and community facilities in this booming area and we want to encourage more locals to get active and play sport.” RVFC president David ‘Willow’ Wilson said the new facilities would benefit the community greatly. “The new facility is great and the dedicated changerooms and amenities will particularly benefit the girls and women, who previously had
to get changed with towels.” This project is co-funded by a $1 million commitment from the Australian Government through the Investing in Our Communities Program.
RVFC Registrar Alison Wilson, Cr Jacob Madsen, President David Wilson, Vice President Nick Paterson, Cr Sheila Ireland and Secretary Chris Shennan at the clubhouse
Cr Jacob Madsen Phone (07) 3810 8191 Email FACEBOOK-SQUARE crjacobmadsen CONTACT DETAILS
Cr Sheila Ireland Phone (07) 3810 8190 Mobile 0499 015 883 Email FACEBOOK-SQUARE sheilairelanddivision1
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