Community Matters - January 2024
Division 3 Update Cr Marnie Doyle and Cr Andrew Fechner
WORKS PROGRESSING ON NEW FACILITIES FOR BMX CLUB A new canteen, first aid room, pathways, toilets and storage area at the Willey Street Park are on track to finish in February 2024. Division 3 Councillor Marnie Doyle said the new facilities at the BMX track would help develop the city’s young riders. and council is proud to support initiatives that help develop our athletes and build community connections,” Cr Doyle said. “All ages and levels can participate and it is a great way to build confidence, get active and increase coordination.” Division 3 Councillor Andrew Fechner said the new additions would help attract future state and national BMX events to Ipswich. “Council supported the Ipswich & West Moreton BMX Club in 2021 when the city hosted the AusCycling BMX State Championships and we’d love to see more of these marquee events come to Ipswich,” Cr Fechner said. “These events will help support “BMX is one of the fastest growing sports in Australia
Two community projects are on the agenda for Division 3 to improve liveability in the local community. Division 3 Councillors Marnie Doyle and Andrew Fechner are working to have a bench seat installed at Tofa Mamoa A Samoa Park, Redbank. “The section of the park along Goodna Creek is a favourite spot of the residents from the nearby Redbank Palms lifestyle community,” Cr Fechner said. “The seat will offer a quiet place where residents can sit to enjoy the serenity of the park.” 53 MOBILE OFFICES HELD ACROSS THE DIVISION IN 2023 Division 3 Councillors Marnie Doyle and Andrew Fechner have thanked residents who attended their Community Matters mobile offices in 2023. “Over 2023, Marnie and I spoke with hundreds of residents at our 53 mobile offices in local parks and shopping centres across Division 3,” Cr Fechner said. “We’ve been able to action issues raised by residents including potholes, damaged street signs, illegal parking and tree trimming. “We’ve had great conversations with residents about their thoughts and ideas for their suburbs and our city.” Councillor Doyle said residents valued the opportunity to connect with their local representatives.
Improving pedestrian safety at Silkstone is also a focus. “Andrew and I were contacted by residents who cross Blackstone Road at the pedestrian island near Coles Silkstone,” Cr Doyle said. “They were concerned about
the safety of the refuge island, particularly for our elderly residents. “To improve safety, and in
response to community feedback, we are working to have pedestrian grab handrails installed on the island that will help pedestrians better stage their crossing.”
Cr Marnie Doyle and Cr Andrew Fechner with Riverview Neighbourhood Watch members at a Community Matters catch-up - one of 52 held in 2023
“With 23 suburbs in Division 3 from One Mile and Leichhardt in the west to about 1,000 Goodna homes west of Stuart Street in the east, it is important residents have an opportunity to speak with their councillors near where they live and shop,” Cr Doyle said. “Our 2024 mobile office program begins Monday 15 January at the Beacon Wellbeing Hub in Leichhardt, followed by Redbank Plaza on Thursday 18 January and Booval Fair on Saturday 20 January. “You’ll find the times and locations on these and our other mobile offices by searching ‘Community Matters’ on council’s website.”
future champions such as Chloe Duncalfe and Holyee-Ann Jackson.”
Willey Street Park also features an open kick-around area and
playground equipment. The $1.5 million project is partially funded by the Queensland Government.
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