Discover Ipswich Magazine 2020



mountain biking destinations in Ipswich Top 4

By Josh Kerr Ipswich Trekker @joshbearmaster

the opportunity for a mountain biking adventure more focussed on the journey than the destination and with over 2,000 hectares of conservation estate to explore. This beautiful expanse of land is situated between the Flinders Plum Picnic Area and Hardings Paddock Picnic Area and campground, with accessibility from each. It’s a terrific opportunity to press through a series of peaks and valleys along some of our most extreme topography, extending a full 19 kilometres in one direction. Grab a friend, drop a car either side and set off on an adventure right through the heart of some of the best-preserved dry vine bushland in the region. There’s also a number of circuit options available from the Hardings Paddock side of the estate. For unparalleled views of the tallest peaks in Greater Brisbane, leave the bike and take one of the walking trails. 4. Castle Hill Blackstone Reserve A mountain biking wonderland that’s no less than perfect for tearing up over the weekend. There’s 15 kilometres of track running through an assortment of difficulty levels and consequently, it’s a totally unique location that can satisfy a range of skill sets. What sets Castle Hill apart from the rest is its menu of International Mountain Bicycling Association classified trail options, tightly woven within a compact area, allowing for a single group to split off into individual sections and reconvene at any given time. It’s a highly versatile experience, adaptable to any number of circumstances and all within shouting distance. The hilly, rocky terrain will make you work for every single metre.


Who doesn’t love a day out on the trails? Twisting through chicanes, pushing up ascents and thundering back down to Earth on the other side.

2. White Rock – Spring Mountain Conservation Estate from 13 reviews.

1. Hidden Vale Adventure Park from 11 reviews.

Hidden Vale Adventure Park is one of the most comprehensive and impressive mountain biking parks in Ipswich. It’s the biggest park of its kind in all of mainland Australia. A day out at Hidden Vale means access to 110 kilometres of trails. Be ready for climbs and blistering downhill circuits throughout a breathtaking mountain biking estate, in a league of its own. For $10 you can access the park and begin to scratch the surface of the sheer quantity of world class mountain bike trails available here. Our recommendation for this one is the 500 and above trail at the very back of the park, which sees visitors greeted firstly by the rugged mountain scape of the Scenic Rim, before wrapping around to stunning views of Grandchester, Ipswich and the skyline of Brisbane. It’s truly an experience to behold. Just be sure to catch a ride in with the boys from the front desk, or it might be a bit of a tough one getting there.

A little bit different to our first location on this list, White Rock offers a welcome change in atmosphere, away from the thrill of the ride and more towards the journey itself. At this location you can expect much more gradual crests and falls, stretching high up into the ridgelines and then back through the deep valleys of low lying swampland in between. Prepare to cover significantly larger distances whilst transitioning though a collection of different biomes along the way. The estate is a unique location, a single trip can encompass everything from paperbark flats, through to dry sandstone peaks, laden with red soil and clusters of volcanic rock. 3. Flinders-Goolman Conservation Estate from 8 reviews. Similar to White Rock but with a few key differences, Flinders-Goolman again presents

Ivory's Rock CONVENT IONS & EVENTS VENUE CAMPING & CARAVAN PARK Stay and play in the beauty of nature

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