
Take the Biodiversity Quiz! Test your knowledge of living things during National Biodiversity Month. Find the answers on the back page.

1 Which of the following do NOT lay eggs square-full Crocodiles square-full Kangaroos square-full Penguins 2 An ecosystem is an area where a community of and things interact in order to survive. square-full old and new

5 Swamp Tea-tree forest is a critically endangered vegetation community in Ipswich?

square-full True square-full False

6 How many of our mammals, reptiles and plants are endemic (found only in Australia)?

square-full 56% square-full 80% square-full 32% square-full 12%

square-full sunlight and carbon square-full living and non-living

3 What does a fish use to breathe? square-full Lungs

7 How many new species are found every year? square-full 1 million square-full 15,000 square-full 38 square-full 200,000 square-full Create a natural habitat in your backyard square-full Register for a Landholder Partnership with council square-full Practice ‘treading lightly’ when visiting natural areas square-full All of the above 8 What can I do to help biodiversity?

square-full Gills square-full Fins

4 In which country would you find 99% of marsupials?

square-full China square-full Brazil square-full India square-full Australia

Make a bee bath Did you know bees drink water, and also use water to process their food and take it back to the hive to help maintain hive temperature?

YOU WILL NEED � A shallow dish � Decorative stones or pebbles � Fresh water STEPS

1. Find a spot in your garden that is shady and protected 2. Add your pebbles or stones to the base of the shallow dish

3. Add just enough fresh water so the pebbles or stones are not submerged. 4. Change your bee bath water daily, and give the bath a clean once a week


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