Environment Matters - August/Winter 2022


Leaf printing The weather is turning colder but you can still enjoy nature. Here is a fun, crafty idea to get out and about. Autumn is a time when some plants lose their leaves. Head out on a nature walk to gather a few leaves of different shapes and sizes. Paint one side of your leaves – either with a paint brush or dip the leaf in some paint! Use the leaf as a stamp to press down on your paper and make a pattern. Perhaps you can turn your painted leaves into another art project by letting the paint dry, then gluing them onto some cardboard.

You’ll need: badge-check leaves badge-check paint badge-check paint brush badge-check paper

Did you know? Kookaburras can live up to 20 years.

A group of kookaburras is called a ‘riot’.

They are a type of bird called a kingfisher – but they rarely eat fish! Instead they feast on reptiles, rodents, snails, insects, frogs and yabbies. Young kookaburras stay with their parents for about four years to help raise younger siblings. An Aboriginal peoples’ legend is that after the sun rose for the first time a good spirit who lived in the sky asked Goor- goor-gaga the Kookaburra to laugh his loudest every dawn to awaken the sleepers so they could enjoy the beautiful sunrise.


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