Environment Matters Spring/Summer 2019

‘Redbank crawler’ by R Skidmore, 2017 p’comp

Are you ready for a natural disaster? Get Ready Week

In Ipswich it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’, and we all need to be prepared for potential fire, flood or storm damage – especially in spring and summer months. There are four simple steps to help you and your family be ready. 1. Prepare your emergency plan 2. Prepare your 4. Tune into warnings

3. Prepare your home A lot of damage to your property can be avoided by timely home maintenance. But if a disaster strikes, do you know where your water, electricity and gas mains are located? Don’t forget your neighbours – can you help each other?

emergency and evacuation kits

Information is key to making good decisions in a disaster. Are your local stations in your radio’s memory? What are the most reputable places to get information on the Internet and social media? Council’s website has an Emergency Dashboard with vital information such as road conditions, weather warnings and power outages.

What are your family going to do if a disaster strikes? If you’re separated, how will you get in touch? An emergency plan will help everyone know exactly what to do – and don’t forget to think about your pets too.

Can you survive three days without power, access to food stores and with only the water in your house? Do you have copies of important documents to take with you? Emergency and evacuation kits are essential parts of any basic plan.

Get Ready Queensland Week is 13-19 October 2019.

Council has a range of localised resources to help you be prepared for disaster at Ipswich.qld.gov.au/emergency More information can also be found at Getready.qld.gov.au


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