Environment Matters Spring/Summer 2019


Summer water fun! We all love some water fun to cool us down during the hot summer months but no one wants to waste water. Here’s an activity that can help you cool down without wasting our precious resources. The school is trialling the use of digital smart meters and is designed to make it easier for schools to monitor their water usage and identify leaks. Water consumption data can be monitored live by teachers and students from an online portal, with alerts if the smart meter detects irregular water use that could indicate a leak. This means issues are found early on, saving water and money. St Augustine’s College Year 12 student Elina Sawale said, “saving water is an important part of looking after the world around us.” “The portal will let us see how we can save water, and reminds us that pitching in just a little bit can make a difference.” St Augustine’s College in Augustine Heights is one of 15 schools selected for Queensland Urban Utilities’ school water conservation program.

Water Portals – Not just for Mario

What you’ll need: Ľ Ľ Empty soft drink bottles Ľ Ľ Scissors Ľ Ľ Sponges (upcycle some old ones!)

Ľ Ľ Safety gear e.g. goggles Ľ Ľ A small container of water

How to: Have a grown up help you cut a hole in each of your soft drink bottles. Cut the foam into small pieces so that it will fit through the hole in your bottles. Challenge a sibling or friend to throw the wet foam into the hole in your soft drink bottles. The more they miss, the more it’ll cool you down.


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