ICC Style Guide 2022

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Ipswich City Council Media Release


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InsertText,below isanexampleonly The Ipswichcommunityhashad itssayonpreferrednames for theplacesandspaces in thenewCBDredevelopment, with theMayorand councillors to cast theirvotes inupcomingmeetings. During August, the Ipswich community was offered the opportunity to suggest new names for nine key spaces in thenewNicholasStreetdevelopment. These included a chance toput forward names for the civic plaza, the two libraries, council’s new administration buildingand levelone function spaces, twohistoric laneways and theoverallprecinct. Launchingon the Shape Your Ipswichwebpageon10August and closing 30 August, close to 3,000people visited the site,with304participantsoffering suggestionsandmore than6,500people votingon suggestednames. Manyofthesuggestionsreflectedasectionof thecommunity’s interest in recognisingnotable local identitiesacross sports, theartsand commerce suchas tennis championAshBartyandScottishbagpiperPiper JoeMcGee. Therewasalso significant support for theuseof local Indigenousnamesasaway topay tribute to the region’s first peoples. SeveralnameswillbedecidedonThursday24 Septemberat council’sOrdinaryMeeting,with remainingnames to bedecided indue course. “Iwould like to thankparticipants for theirdiverse suggestions fornaming theseplaces and spaces in theheartof our city,”DeputyMayorMarnieDoyle said. “I note Councillors are tasked with the important responsibility of deciding names which will be accepted and welcomedby thewhole community.”

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Media Release

Corporate Powerpoint Presentation

Ipswich City Council – Brand Style Guide 2021


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