ICC Style Guide 2022
Ipswich Waste Services
RORO Bin Services
IpswichWasteServices 1NicholasStreet POBox 191 IPSWICH QLD 4305 Phone (07)38108100 Fax (07)32880047 Email ipswichwasteservices@ipswich.qld.gov.au Ipswich.qld.gov.au
Service overview
Garden waste Food scraps and leftovers
Meat scraps and bones
Dairy products
Roll-OnRoll-Off (RORO)binsare ideal for the removalof largeamountsofbulky,non-compactablewastegenerated by commercialand industrial clients,building sites, large scaledevelopments. RORObinsare suitable formaterials suchas timber,greenwaste,wood, steel, concrete,bricks,andgeneralwaste. The fullyopening reardooron thebinsallowseasyaccess todisposeofmaterials. Remembereachbinmustonlybe filled levelwith the topof thebinandnohigher (i.e:water level).
Acceptable items
Unacceptable items
Builderswaste i.e.dirt,bricks, concrete,wood,glass,plastics, insulation,nails,electricalwiring, shingle, roofing, dredgingmaterials,packagingmaterialsand rubble Greenwaste i.e. treeprunings, cuttings,branches, stumps,grass clippingsand timber Generalhouseholdwaste i.e.whitegoods suchas fridges, freezers (only if degassed)andotherelectrical items (doorsmust be removed), steeland scrapmetal (including car bodies),paperand cardboard, cleanglassbottles and jars,aluminium (including cans), cleanplastic, softdrinkandmilkbottles
Asbestos Fibro sheeting Batteries Fireextinguishers Foodwaste Fuel,oil,poisonsandother liquidwaste Gasbottles Infectiousandmedicalwaste Paintandpaint relatedproducts Tyres
Used paper towel and tissues
Shredded and soiled paper
Pet waste and animal manure
Australian Certified Compostable products only
Wet concrete (cement) Ammunitionand flares
Team Leader ResourceRecovery
1NicholasStreet POBox 191 IpswichQld4305 Australia
Phone 0738108100 Email iwsoperations@ipswich.qld.gov.au Web Ipswich.qld.gov.au/waste
Ipswich City Council – Brand Style Guide 2021
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