ICC Style Guide 2022
Celebrating 25 years of Enviroplan 2021 PROGRAM – Events | Activities | Promotions
Ipswich Enviroplan What is Enviroplan? The Ipswich Enviroplan is an initiative of Ipswich City Council. Enviroplan aims to promote important environmental issues and provide innovative and effective programs for the safe keeping and management of this city’s natural resources. Enviroplan is funded by a levy paid by the ratepayers of Ipswich. Ipswich’s natural environment Ipswich contains one of the most diverse ranges of natural vegetation types in South-East Queensland, including rainforest, dry vine forest, soft wood forest, open forests, woodlands, heathlands, wetlands and grasslands. There are many rare, endangered, vulnerable or otherwise significant plant and animal species in Ipswich. By protecting these areas Enviroplan helps to maintain biodiversity and ensure we all live in a cleaner, healthier environment.
Ipswich Enviroplan A plan for our future Acquiring land for conservation Research and planning for biodiversity Ongoing maintenance and improvements Community partnerships and education
Enviroplan pillars Ipswich has multiple Enviroplan conservation estates and reserves managed by Council, as well as numerous conservation partnerships with private landholders. Enviroplan isdelivered through fourmajorpillars containing interwovencomponents.Thisenables Council todeliverbestpracticenatural resource managementonbothpublicandprivate land. PLANNING Enviroplan supports thedeliveryof city-wide conservationplanning,managementand research activitieswhich can includeecological studies,mapping andecosystem recoverydevelopment. Gettingall the floraand fauna ‘on thebooks’helpsus to seewhat the situation is today. Italsogivesus the dataweneed tomove forwardand trackourprogress. Ourdatabase isan invaluable resource that continues togrowand informmoreandmoreofourdecisions. ACQUISITION Private landholderswithinpriorityhabitatareasmay voluntarily sell their land to council.Thishigh-quality conservation land can thenbe consolidatedwithin councilestatesand reservesandprotected for futuregenerations. Forexample,withinEnviroplan’s first25yearsmore than$11.9millionwas invested topurchasea totalof 5,877hectaresof land fornature conservation. MANAGEMENT Onceanareaof landhasbeen securedunder Enviroplan the conservation valuesof that landhave to be carefullymanaged. Managingand improvingour conservationestates spansawide rangeofactions, from service tracks to recreational trails, fencesandgates tohabitat restorationworks, signageand facilities topreserving culturalheritage value. PARTNERSHIPS The communityplaysa critical role innature conservation.Enviroplanpartnershipsandawareness initiativesarehelpingdeliveron-groundactivitieswith tangible improvements. It is council’s role to supportanenvironmentallyactive community through theprovisionof technicaladvice, incentives,programsand initiatives thatachieve conservationoutcomes.
Celebrating 25 years of conservation achievements in 2021 Ipswich.qld.gov.au/enviroplan
Ipswich City Council – Brand Style Guide 2021
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