Ipswich in Spring 2019
When all that is done, there is always research and learning to keep up to date. Training of volunteers and staff is constant and staying up to date with the latest findings is important. The Ipswich Nature Centre was recognised for its commitment to positive animal welfare receiving a three year accreditation from The Zoo and Aquarium Association late last year.
Staff are also monitoring the animals throughout the day to check for any health or behavioural issues. One of the most enjoyable tasks for the keepers is playing with the animals and preparing their enrichment. Some of the most popular games with the Ipswich animals are hide and seek, toys, balls and playing in water. Parcels are prepared with cardboard boxes to hide food items in to allow the animals to search for them and rip open boxes. Parcels are also made from paperbark or newspaper with food items inside or interesting smelling things like feathers from birds or wool from the sheep. Hiding food around the enclosures allows the animals to naturally forage for it. Treat balls with small bits of food inside are a favourite for the dingo pups, bilbies and quolls. A different item is used each day for each animal so they have variety.
The Ipswich Nature Centre is at Queens Park, opening hours are: Tuesday to Sunday
9.30 am – 4.00 pm School Holidays Open 7 days: 9.30 am – 4.00 pm Public Holidays 9.30 am – 4.00 pm Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday
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