Ipswich in Spring 2024


Spend Saturday 31 August experiencing the Indigenous Wild Foods & Cultural Festival for traditional cultural performances, family friendly activities and bush tucker foods. Or wet your whistle with a Historical Brewing Tour and Tasting on Saturday 7 September or a Rubbidy-Dubs to Pubs: Ipswich Walking Tour of historic Ipswich pubs on Sunday 8 September. For bookings and more inspiration visit Galvanizedipswich.com.au

You don’t need to be a history buff to create a weekend of adventure during the 11-day Galvanized festival! Start with a visit to the Cooneana Heritage Centre and see the blacksmiths, spinners and weavers in action. Learn some classic historical dance moves at The Limestone Frolic on Friday 30 August or book a spooky Ghost Tour of the CBD, before dinner and cocktails at the heritage-listed Ipswich Jets Leagues Club.

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