Ipswich in Summer 2020/2021
Calendar-day DATE
Friday 11 December – Tuesday 22 December
clock TIME
From 7.00 pm each night
map-marker-alt LOCATION Nerima Gardens, Queens Park
ticket-alt TICKETS
Due to the new COVID Safe Event format tickets are essential for contact tracing. Book your tickets via Christmasinipswich.com.au . All proceeds donated to local charities.
This spectacular lighting display is back with a new COVID Safe Event format. Visitors can expect to see stunning illuminated trees, glittering lights and much more.
Follow Ipswich Festivals to stay up to date with the latest event information.
DISCLAIMER : At the time of going to print with this program we are presented with unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19. In the interest of public safety changes may be made to events and event formats without notice. Please keep an eye on the website and social media for updates.
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