Ipswich in Summer 2020/2021

CHRISTMAS STEAM TRAIN RIDE DATE From 5 December TIME From 3.00 pm VENUE Queensland Pioneer Steam Railway, Swanbank Station The annual Swanbank Santa Steam Trains will run on 5, 6, 19 and 20 December. Step back in time while enjoying a one hour twilight trip from Swanbank Station on a 100 year old steam locomotive. Trips depart at 3.00 pm, 5.00 pm and 7.00 pm. Bookings essential. BE A GOOD ELF Social distancing is very important and everyone’s responsibility. Please ensure you and your household group maintain a 1.5m distance from volunteers and other patrons at all times.

THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS WITH IPSWICH CITY ORCHESTRAS DATE Saturday 5 December TIME 7.30 pm – 8.40 pm VENUE St. Paul’s Anglican Church Join the Ipswich City Orchestras for a concert of traditional, classical and contemporary classical Christmas music, showcased from within the majestic surrounds of St. Paul's Anglican Church.


For tickets and further details on more local Christmas celebrations and events visit Christmasinipswich.com.au

DISCLAIMER : At the time of going to print with this program we are presented with unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19. In the interest of public safety changes may be made to events and event formats without notice. Please keep an eye on the website and social media for updates.


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