Ipswich in Summer 2021 - Ipswich City Council


An $811,000 upgrade to support State Emergency Service volunteers has been completed, with the works supporting increased volunteer capacity, and improved amenity during responses to

This was highlighted in the hailstorm of October 2020, when over 60 volunteers were based in the crowded depot, sharing limited amenities with no showers and a small outdoor space. Since the completed works, there is a new sheltered outdoor area with ample seating for volunteers to rest and a welcome respite zone during emergency response events. The upgrade to the SES facility is one of many happening around the Ipswich City Council area to support our growing community.

natural disasters in the region. The upgrade, jointly funded with $686,000 from the Queensland Government’s COVID Works for Queensland program, saw the

construction of new toilet and shower facilities, new air conditioning, electrics, IT equipment, new laundry, cleaning room, and landscaped outdoor areas. Built in the 1970s, the tired and outdated depot was struggling to hold the growing number of volunteers using the space.

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