Ipswich in Summer 2021 - Ipswich City Council
Representatives from Goodna State School with the Sustainable Leadership Award
Sustainable Leadership: Goodna State School
Young Enviro Champion: Darcy Witherspoon
Goodna State School has adopted a holistic view of sustainability to reduce the school and community’s environmental footprint. Initiatives go above and beyond, spanning from solar panels to Containers for Change collections. Students are the driving force and manage all recycling programs, develop initiatives such as book and clothes sales and gardens, and conduct audits to implement various improvements.
Darcy Witherspoon is the founder of the Down to Earth charity. It addresses both sustainability and supporting the homeless and those in need. The charity is funded entirely through 10c refunds on recycled cans and bottles. It is built around recycling, using donations of clothing and blankets, and has also prevented tonnes of imperfect and end- of-shelf-life groceries going to landfill.
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