Ipswich in Summer 2021 - Ipswich City Council
Message from Ipswich Mayor, Teresa Harding
Summer is that time of year we all long for and love-loathe in the same breath. Those beautiful hot days, stormy nights and humid moments in between. Summer is a time for holidays, Christmas and the start of a brand new year. The Weather Bureau is warning of the potential for the triple threat of heavy rain, bushfires and cyclones over coming months, so the Get Ready Queensland campaign could not have come at a better time in the lead-up to summer 2021–22. Ipswich City Council is working towards a safer future for everyone in the community by making planning for natural disasters as easy and as early as possible. Council’s Christmas in Ipswich program will be bigger, better and brighter in December. We have supported several citywide events this year with community carols for everyone. The Christmas Lights Competition will be another favourite with residents, while we have Santa on Tour and Letters to Santa for the children at all our participating libraries. School holidays roll around in a short time and we have our usual feast Front Cover Image: Tulmur Place, Nicholas Street Precinct, Ipswich If you have any feedback regarding the Summer Guide, please email council@ipswich.qld.gov.au or visit Ipswich.qld.gov.au Disclaimer: Published by Ipswich City Council © 2021 At time of printing all information is current and correct. Every care has been taken to ensure the information in this brochure is correct at the time of publication. Ipswich City Council accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions or changes leading to such information being incorrect.
of activities for the children, while council’s Active and Healthy program is extremely popular over the summer months, with the invitation to visit any of our public pools afterwards for a cooling dip. That is also a timely reminder for pool safety messages: make sure children and pets are safe around the backyard pool, keep them clean and healthy, be smart parents and put the devices away and keep a close eye on your precious young ones. Summer is also the perfect time to visit our conservation estates, for bush- walking, trail-running or mountain- biking. Always be alert and be extra careful about fire safety as the environment will be dry. And there are the perfect council locations to beat the heat: a range of Ipswich Civic Centre shows, the Ipswich Art Gallery and the new Ipswich Children’s Library in the administration building in the Nicholas Street Precinct. It is a great time of year, but also one where we all have to take those normal seasonal precautions and be safe over the summer. As activities, programs and events may cancel or move subsequent to publication of this brochure, no responsibility is accepted for accuracy of content. This publication is copyright. Other than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the Copyright Act 1968 (C’wlth), no part of it may in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, micro copying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior written permissions. If you wish to disseminate or share this information and or images please contact Ipswich City Council for permission.
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