Ipswich in Summer 2021 - Ipswich City Council


Friends of Ipswich Libraries is 20 this year

It’s a momentous year for Friends of Ipswich Libraries (FOILS) with the group this year celebrating its 20th anniversary. FOILS started in October 2001 and since then this enthusiastic group of library supporters has come together each month with the objective of enhancing and promoting the library service and strengthening its links with the community. In consultation with council, FOILS organises community-based events and activities that help promote Ipswich Libraries and enrich the cultural life of the community.

favourite FOILS project being Books for Babies, which is delivered in partnership with Ipswich Hospital and St Andrews Ipswich Hospital with the aim of introducing our youngest residents to Ipswich Libraries and reading from birth. Other popular FOILS initiatives include the annual High Tea and trivia nights. FOILS currently has more than 50 members and newcomers to the group are always welcome For more information about FOILS or to learn how to become a member visit Ipswichlibraries.com.au

The FOILS group has been hugely successful over the years with one

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