Ipswich in Winter - 2021


Ipswich City Council has set out a 10-year road map detailing how it will deliver on the city’s vision for waste management and resource recovery. In alignment with council’s Resource Recovery Strategy, the Resource Recovery Implementation Plan (RRIP) outlines the city’s resource recovery strategic priorities and details specifically how they will be actioned and delivered over the next decade in consultation with the community. Its focus is on reducing waste generation and landfill disposal, maximising resource recovery opportunities in line with circular economy principles, providing excellence in customer service, and achieving continuous improvement and development of people, processes, infrastructure and technology. Mayor Teresa Harding said that council is committed to taking further steps forward for the community on waste and resource recovery. “Our new Resource Recovery Implementation Plan provides a roadmap for council to lead by example and deliver best practice waste and resource recovery solutions in line with ratepayers’ expectations,” Mayor Harding said.

Council adopted the innovative Waste and Circular Economy Transformation Directive in December 2020, taking leadership for the city on waste and resource recovery challenges and opportunities. The Resource Recovery Strategy is founded upon four key pillars, including: 1. Kerbside food organics and garden organics collection 2. Optimising the city co-mingled recycling service 3. Providing a new on demand large item kerbside collection service; and 4. Having fit-for-purpose waste and The plan’s name has been updated from Materials Recovery Plan to Resource Recovery Strategy to reflect Ipswich’s direction towards a circular economy by reducing waste and valuing resources. Keep up to date with this and other important council initiatives at Shapeyouripswich.com.au. resource recovery infrastructure, including building a new recycling and refuse centre

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