Ipswich in Winter - 2021
Eighty Brisbane Street has its historic charm back after building owners, David and Kate Farrer, received funding as part of Ipswich City Council’s pilot Façade Improvement Program which allowed them to accomplish a long-awaited goal of upgrading their shopfront. Eighty Brisbane Street was the second shopfront to complete façade renovations after Ipswich City Council committed $137,000 to a pilot Façade Improvement Program aimed at improving shopfronts in Ipswich Central. As a part of the renovations 80 Brisbane Street has received a new colour scheme which has refreshed the façade while still keeping with the historic elements of the building. The program offered dollar-for-dollar matched funding of up to $15,000 to encourage shopfront and building owners to undertake works as part of a wider strategy to increase economic opportunities for Ipswich Central businesses.
Eighty Brisbane Street is a historic building, built in the 1890s, which has housed many successful Iocal businesses over the years. Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic said the newly painted façade ensures the building maintains its historic pride in the 21st Century. “It is also about celebrating and protecting our heritage and it’s wonderful to see this iconic 1890s building standing proud with a new coat of paint,” Cr Jonic said. Deputy Chair of Economic and Industry Development, Cr Jacob Madsen said council is committed to investment in Ipswich Central. “These works benefit the Ipswich community by preserving the character and identity of this property for future generations.”
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