
A special ceremony

Ipswich offers you some of the most picturesque natural environments and iconic landmarks to create a truly memorable wedding ceremony. [1] Nerima Gardens Positioned within Queens Park, Nerima Gardens provides a place of peace and tranquillity – perhaps just the thing to calm the nerves on your big day. This Japanese- inspired paradise was opened in 2001 and is named after Ipswich’s sister city, Nerima. As well as offering an idyllic location to hold your wedding ceremony, Nerima Gardens also provides the ideal place to capture beautiful photographs, with an array of stunning and diverse

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backdrops available. [2] Kholo Gardens

Delight in this picturesque retreat filled with a charming and historic old church, lush gardens, a crystal clear lily pond, and the beautiful Tree Fern Lane which hosts a natural rainforest canopy.

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