Community Matters - January 2024
Division 4 Update Deputy Mayor Cr Russell Milligan and Cr Kate Kunzelmann
UPGRADE TO IMPROVE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Council’s 2023-2024 Budget included $500,000 for a major drainage and culvert upgrade at Adelong Avenue at Thagoona. Deputy Mayor and Division 4 Councillor Russell Milligan said the funding provided for preliminary works prior to the road upgrades scheduled for the 2024-2025 financial year. “The road closed in November last year and will reopen in March to allow for the removal and replacement of the existing stormwater culverts adjacent to Adelong Avenue Reserve,” Deputy Mayor Milligan said. The work will require the full road closure between Kavanagh Street and the western end of Adelong Avenue Reserve. Division 4 Councillor Kate Kunzelmann said local access for residents will be maintained with access via either Amaroo Road or Cummins Road. “The work being completed to replace the existing stormwater drainage culverts will include service relocations, demolition work and the construction of new culverts,” Cr Kunzelmann said. “It is always frustrating for residents when road closures are needed, but this major upgrade will significantly improve the stormwater drainage across this flood-prone section of road.” For more information
New lights at Sutton Park at 61 Workshops Street, Brassall, will help the city’s athletes and families train and play well after the sun has gone down. Deputy Mayor and Division 4 Councillor Russell Milligan said Ipswich City Council was committed to investing in sports infrastructure and facilities across the city. “Sports play an important role in keeping individuals healthy and it also plays a big part in building community connections,” Deputy Mayor Milligan said. “Sutton Park is a great example of this, with Ipswich City Football Club and all its members and
surrounding residents calling the park home.” Division 4 Councillor Kate Kunzelmann said the upgraded lights at ovals A and B would enable more use at night. “This $180,000 project will allow players to train and play into the night, allowing for a greater use of the fields,” Cr Kunzelmann said. “Ipswich is Queensland’s fastest
growing city and council will continue to invest in the community.”
The project is partially funded by the Queensland Government as part of the State Minors Funding Program.
BIG WIN FOR OWNERS OF MIHI GROVE TOWNHOUSES A major milestone was met late last year for owners of the Mihi Grove townhouse complex
in Brassall who were left in limbo after the devastating February 2022 floods. Mihi Grove was eligible for the
Voluntary Home Buy-Back Program under the Australian and Queensland governments’ $741 million Resilient Homes Fund, but current legislation buy-backs to proceed. At the time, only 34 of the 42 townhouse owners had registered for the program under the Resilient Homes Fund. “In October, with the support of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority and the National Emergency Management Agency, council agreed on a way forward to purchase all 42 townhouses through the Voluntary Home Buy-Back Program,” Deputy Mayor and Division 4 Councillor Russell Milligan said. required agreement from 100 per cent of owners for
“The Queensland Reconstruction Authority could then start valuations at Mihi Grove, putting council on the path to acquire the complex.” Division 4 Councillor Kate Kunzelmann said the outcome was a big win for all involved. “The efforts of all involved in this process to find a resolution are to be applauded. It is my wish that Mihi Grove property owners can now move towards secure and flood-free housing,” Cr Kunzelmann said. Deputy Mayor Cr Russell Milligan, Cr Kate Kunzelmann and Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding with Mihi Grove residents after the decision at the Council Special Meeting in November 2023
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