Community Matters - January 2024
Division 4 stretches from Woolshed in the west to Barellan Point in the east, and includes Rosewood, Walloon, Brassall, Amberley, Pine Mountain, Yamanto, Karalee, Marburg and more.
January 2024
Noticeboard for Karalee A community noticeboard will be installed off Junction Road near the intersection with Torrens Street. The project is being funded through the Provisional Projects program, which allows councillors to put forward projects that are important to their community but not already on the capital works program. The noticeboard will allow the community to display and share messages relevant to the local area. Give volunteering a try Looking for a new activity to get involved in for the New Year? Give volunteering a go. Volunteering helps build and create communities. Council works with more than 200 volunteers across a range of programs and activities. The easiest way to get involved is by visiting the online Volunteer Portal at Green up your property Every year, council gives away about 120,000 free plants to help green up our city. The Free Plant Program is open to all Ipswich residents – homeowners and renters. Collecting your free plants is as easy as bringing appropriate identification and visiting either the Queens Park Nursery or one of council’s mobile nurseries throughout the year. For more info, visit
It is often said local government is the level of government closest to the people and that has certainly been the experience of Division 4 Councillors Deputy Mayor Russell Milligan and Kate Kunzelmann. Cr Kunzelmann said the 2020-2024 council term had been all about standing shoulder to shoulder with the community. “Russell and I both put our hands up to run for council in 2020 because we’re passionate about this city and wanted to make a difference for our community,” Cr Kunzelmann said. “As this term draws to a close, it’s timely to reflect on the gains that have been made for our community, and there have been many. “Our community has been through a lot, from the Halloween hailstorm of 2020 to concerns about the Motoland raceway and of course the devastating floods in 2022, which among other impacts left Mihi Grove residents at Brassall facing an uncertain future. “Through these and many other matters, we have always taken a listening approach. By working together, good outcomes were achieved and it’s especially heartening to know Mihi Grove residents can now move forward with certainty.” Cr Milligan said Division 4 was unique because it is made up of a mix of residential and rural communities.
Deputy Mayor Cr Russell Milligan and Cr Kate Kunzelmann at Hunter Street, Brassall, which was improved in 2023
“The division is experiencing significant expansion with major growth at Thagoona and Walloon, where in fact we officially welcomed our city’s 250,000th resident in September. “I’m proud that we have delivered for all sections of the Division, including a new bridge for Keanes Road at Rosewood, gravel road improvements and upgrades to Sutton Park and Hunter Street in Brassall. “We progressed big projects such as the North Ipswich Stadium future upgrade, the Adelong Avenue upgrade and Western Resource Recovery Centre, and delivered smaller ones that made a big difference such as introducing designated parking bays on Vogel Road near Ipswich State High School. “Big or small, it’s all been about making Division 4, and this great city of Ipswich, an even better place to call home.”
Deputy Mayor Cr Russell Milligan Phone (07) 3810 8197 Email FACEBOOK-SQUARE RussellMilliganIpswich CONTACT DETAILS
Cr Kate Kunzelmann Phone (07) 3810 8196 Mobile 0499 014 884 Email FACEBOOK-SQUARE CouncillorKateKunzelmann
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