Discover Ipswich Magazine 2021
Go behind the scenes
This particular koala is part of Dr Andrew Tribe’s research tracking the population on Hidden Vale’s 12,000 acres. His research will provide valuable data on koalas that will help improve the status of Australia’s cuddly icon. They hope to build the koala population here and reintroduce to specific areas across the region. After a tour of the centre, which included learning about current research on the Spotted Tail Quoll and peeking in on two cute pygmy gliders, it was time for our Koala Safari. It was just my party of three, Dr Tribe and a young researcher who had moved here from Norway to specifically study koalas. The kids excitedly jumped in the back of the safari troop carrier. I really had no idea how long it would take to reach the first koala “hotspot” but it turned out to be under 10 minutes. The koalas are fitted with a GPS collar and with the help of modern technology, researchers can track their whereabouts on a computer or tablet. After a short walk on flat terrain, through long grass and under towering gum trees, the researcher suddenly stopped and announced, “They’re around here somewhere.” She unfolded a bright blue antenna she had been carrying and pointed it skyward.
“She’s in this tree,” she said, pointing to a particularly large gum tree. We all looked upwards, hoping to be the first to spot it. Dr Tribe handed the kids a pair of binoculars to share and they both took turns in getting a closer look. We learned the koala’s names, who were related and some gossip on whom was dating whom. The kids were excited to learn how to find koalas in the wild, by tell-tale scratchings on tree trunks and their distinct droppings. They made plans to embark on their own koala safari at home. Satisfied with the furry findings, we all trooped back through the long grass. As I reflected on the drive back, I was very aware the Koala Safari is a unique experience and a great opportunity for all ages to learn something that couldn’t be learned elsewhere, not at school, nor at a zoo or a wildlife park. You don’t need to be an in-house guest of Spicers Hidden Vale to head out on the Koala Safari. The tour is becoming very popular so make sure to book first! ■ Read more at
Upon first entering the Hidden ValeWildlife Centre, we were amazed to see a large window that looked in on what appeared to be a wildlife hospital room. Two veterinarians were caring for a koala who was slowly waking up from sedation. They placed a hot-water bottle gently under him and a blanket on top while they checked his vitals. His ears twitched rhythmically while he slept and I was reminded why people from all over the world are fascinated by koalas. They’re absolutely adorable!
By Jessica Palmer Travel blogger @family_holiday_destinations
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